Tax Bracket

Tax brackets are the range of incomes taxed at a given rate, which typically varies depending on filing status. Individual or corporate income tax rates rise as income increases in a progressive system. Tax brackets for individual income are seven, while corporate income tax is flat.

The tax brackets indicate the tax rate you will pay on each part of your income. 

All taxpayers pay the same rate on the same level of taxable income under a progressive tax system. As a result, people with higher incomes pay more taxes.

In the United States, the IRS uses a progressive tax system that subjects income to a tax rate. The system enables income taxation according to earnings—the higher the earnings, the higher rate, and the lower the earnings the lower the rate. 

As of 2021, the tax bracket in the United States ranges from 10% to 37%. The tax bracket rate is decided based on the status and earnings of the filer. The categories of tax filers are, the single filer, married joint filer, married separate filers, and the category for household heads.